Creating The Right Environment For Sleep

Creating the right environment is a really important aspect of ensuring a good night's sleep. Here are a handy checklist to make sure you have everything in setting up your environment for the best nights sleep possible


All possible external light sources blocked or limited
All light from electronic equipment is blocked or limited
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Potential sources of noises blocked or limited
Earplugs on hand if needed
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Bed frame and mattress optimal for budget and function
Bedding is optimal for budget and function
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Temperature - Ideally ± 18

Appropriate duvet and bedding to help control temperature
Central heating or cooling to support optimal temperature
Fun or heater available if needed
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Do not disturb function activated on phone(s) and emergency contacts set up
Night Shift Mode set up on phone(s) and other screen devices
Appropriate alarm clock set up to minimise phone use
Pad or paper and pen next to the bed
Bedside light is available
A glass of water is available
Bodily functions have been taken care of best as possible
Phone(s) set face down or ideally charging out of the room altogether
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