LUME supports your employees to not just avoid mental ill health, but to thrive and be the best version of themselves.

Ensuring your organisation is the best it can be.

Just like physical health, we all have mental health, all of the time

Just like physical fitness can support and improve your physical health, mental fitness can support and improve your mental health.

We help you understand which areas your business needs more support, and why with LUME’s data and insights.

What about the other 84%?

At any one time around 16% of your workforce is experiencing a mental health problem.

Current mental health and wellbeing solutions are overly focused on one side of the spectrum and that 16%.

Mental fitness is for everyone, at any point.

The four pillars of Mental Fitness

Mental fitness is supported by 4 foundational pillars. By working on each, you improve your mind's health and therefore other aspects of your life, both work and personal.

LUME supports employees to work on their 4 pillars.
Your physical health, diet, sleep and genetics
Your relationships, support network, culture and major life events
Your thoughts, emotions and perception
Your meaning and purpose in life and the values you try to live by

Proactive and scalable support for all, all of the time

Using an evidence based approach and the latest technology, LUME proactively empowers your employees to understand and work on each of the 4 key pillars, boosting their mental fitness.

Whole person, whole organisation

Organisational performance is more than just the individual. Improving employee mental fitness is one half of the solution. The other half is knowing how your business can better support its people and their minds.

LUMEs detailed data and insight helps your organisation better understand how you can better support your employees.

How Mental Fitness Drives Results

Employees are:
8x more likely to be engaged
27% more likely to report ‘excellent’ performance in role
45% more likely to report high levels of adaptability
59% less likely to look for a job at a different organisation within 12 months
Organisations are:
2.5x more likely to be a best performer in their field
3x more likely to be productive
24% lower presenteeism and 6% more ‘best work’ days per month
Deloitte also found that the ROI on mental wellbeing spend was 5:1, returning £5 for every £1 spent
How LUME Helps
See how LUME improves employee mental fitness.

Sign Up for a Free Trial

To find out how LUME can help your organisation to better understand and support the mental health of your employees, just fill in the form and we’ll be in touch.

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